
ENO – discussing culture at the European level

Is it possible that we could agree in Europe what artistic and culture education means and what it is for? Or maybe, we just have to give up and commit to variety and to incomparable concepts or ideas used in different countries? Is it possible to define the common standards to address the challenges of the contemporary world? Do European countries face similar or completely different problems? Until now the art and cultural/culture education has not been heavily important for the European policy makers – is there a chance to change it?

Wstecz Dalej

Those are issues discussed by members and guests of the European Network of Observatories in the field of Art and Culture Education during the international conference “Cultural Education Policies in Europe”.

The presentations of European partners were preceded by a discussion panel attended by Edwin Bendyk, Tomasz Planta, Łucja Piekarska-Dunaj, Tomasz Szkudlarek and Joanna Orlik.
